Hi! I'm Stephan
The lives of the spiritual masters, the saints and sages of this world have fascinated and inspired me since my early teens. I always knew that there is more to live than just the physical existence and so the spiritual aspect of yoga and its philosophy was like 'coming home' from my very first class and the beauty of that continues to open my eyes and heart to many of life's insights.
I have had the greatest of fortunes to have received, and continue to receive, the guidance of many inspirational people, teachers and indeed 'real' masters. This process has gradually undone so many personally held believe structures, so that today I don't consider yoga and religion as 'have to follow and behave' doctrines, but as a tool to become who you really are. Stillness is within and after over 30 years of practice, the practice takes care of everything...One just has to learn to be still. In the words of the great master Sri Swami Satchidananda: "Have Faith and the Trust in the practice and everything will come". All this enables me to bring all aspects of yoga and philosophy into my sessions, my therapy and life itself.
In addition to teaching Yoga, I work as a Sports Massage Therapist and also do injury and trauma treatments. My sporting background and my long study and practice of movement and Yoga, has lead me to do general body work as well as subtle tissue & trauma release work (Craniosacral based), posture alignment and rehabilitation work.
In the past I have also worked as a Lead Back Pain, RSI and Ergonomics Consultant.
I have also designed and founded the Sunburst Meditation Cushions and I have written and compiled a book about my practice.
I was was born and raised in Basel, Switzerland, and began my ‘informal’ practice about 1984 and started the ‘formal’ practice of yoga in 1992.
My training has come through the long established Integral Yoga School as taught by Sri Swami Satchidananda.
In 2001 I finished my sports massage certificate and I graduated as an Integral Yoga Teacher at the Satchidananda Ashram and Headquarters of Integral Yoga Institutes in Buckingham, Virginia, USA and have completed over 700 hours of teacher training. The training was styled in the traditional ancient model of ‘Gurukula’, living and working with fellow students under the instruction of yogic masters in a spiritual community. I am fully qualified to teach Hatha Yoga for Beginners, Intermediates and Advanced students, Pranayama (breath control) and Meditation and in addition to this I have also completed the qualification to teach Raja Yoga (Science of the mind/Yoga philosophy). Two of my main passions happen to be Raja and Jnana Yoga.
In my Hatha practice I have been through many transformations where I had to start from the beginning many times and looking to other yoga traditions and non-yoga traditions in order to help me with the various challenges that I had to face. All this experience is contained in what I share.
I have the privilege of continuing my development and studies with my own personal practice, retreats, workshops and satsangs.
Since 2005 I have been studying extensively with Satyananda, a Self-realised master from the Ramana Maharshi lineage. His work inspires me enormously and guides me into a deeper understanding of who I am.
Since 2001 I have been teaching internationally as well as in a variety of UK settings like sports centres, local schools and prisons, and for drug and homeless oganisations.
In the past I taught autistic children, special needs young adults, olympic medal winners and I have also taught the England woman’s rugby team.
I have also had the great blessing to have received my spiritual name 'Siva' by Sri Swami Satchidananda (Gurudev) directly.